Sa početkom u 11 časova, turnir će se odvijati kroz dve faze - grupnu u vidu 2 grupe sa po 4 tima, od kojih dva prvoplasirana prolaze u II fazu i formiraju polufinale.
Sa parolom "važno je učestvovati", Ipswich Town SC Serbia prvi put učestvuje na ovakvom događaju.
Titulu brani ekipa AC Milana, koja je u prošlogodišnjem finalu pobedila Liverpool.
Ipswich će se u grupi sastati sa obe ekipe prošlogodišnjih finalista, uz Chelsea. Sastav druge grupe čine Juventus, Roma, Inter i Barcelona.
Turnir će imati i medijsku pokrivenst nekolicine pisanih, a moguće i TV medija.
2nd Annual Supporters Clubs Tournament
On Sunday, 2nd of May, "2nd Annual Supporters Clubs Tournament" will be held at Belgrade's sport resort "Ada Ciganlija". Representing our Ipswich Town will be ITSC Serbia, openning the tournament with the match against the last year champions - AC Milan. All the news and the results will be posted the same day.
Group A - Juventus, Roma, Inter, Barcelona
Group B - Milan, Ipswich Town, Liverpool, Chelsea
Fan-clubs of all the biggest names of europian football will cross their swords, and Ipswich Town amongst them, riding our beloved punch all the way to the victory! (in at least one match... :)
Up the Town!